Grading: Various from easy to hard | Contact: Ian Peacock | Costs: $50.00 Children $25.00 Under 10 free. Please pay by Direct Transfer to NPAQ Account BSB: 124-001 Account: 1201 8942 and use “Your surname/Easter” – as the reference on the bank deposit form.
The campsite, with easy access for Tents caravans and campers, is on flat private property. Camping facilities will be basic. Non-potable creek water may be available and can be used for showering etc. Pit toilets will be provided, evening Happy Hours are planned and a night time camp fire provided. We will have a Saturday night dinner at a local Tavern.
Numerous activities will be arranged for all members and to suit all fitness levels. These range from long to short walks, flat to hilly tracks to off track walks. Self-drive tours of the district will be provided for any non-walkers. Bring all your camping requirements, including drinking water. Arrive from Thursday 18th and depart before 10am Tuesday 23rd.
Members who would like to attend but do not have camping gear can book accommodation in the district. Should you wish to book, do so quickly due to high demand on the Easter weekend. Cabins are available at Sommerville Valley Tourist Park at Storm King Dam.
Where to meet
Location details will be supplied upon nomination.
To be advised upon nomination contact leader.
What to bring
Enclosed shoes for all walks, hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, tent, water, table and chair and all equipment required for weekend camping. Wet weather gear may be required at this time of the year. For further information, contact Leader.