
Date: 20 Aug 2017
Capacity: 0 (0 remaining)
Time: 09:00 PM
Type: Birdwatching

BIRDWATCHING – 2017 – Flinders-Goolman Conservation Estate – 20th August

Flinders Plum Picnic Area was very popular on a clear, sunny, cool Sunday morning. The leader arrived by 7.15am, the car park was nearly full! Cars kept arriving – was this a “meet up for a Flinders Peak Bushwalk”? Fortunately our group of 6 all managed to park in undesignated areas. We departed 8am for the 3.5km return Sandy Creek Track. The track wonders through remnant Rain Forest, Hoop Pine Forest and open grassed areas. All the creek crossings were dry. Grey Fantails, Eastern Yellow Robins and Golden Whistlers kept us company along they way. A White-necked Heron gave us a wonderful display of soaring high on a thermal. Morning tea was had in the picnic area for the bird call. Total species seen 23 with 7 heard. After morning tea the group continued on to Purga Nature Reserve to view the largest protected critically endangered Swamp Tea-Tree forest in the world where we had lunch. The Frog Pond was dry; however, we were fortunate to see a number of Tongue Orchids in flower. Bird List: White-necked Heron, Wedge-tailed Eagle, Bar-shouldered Dove(h), Australian King-Parrot, Laughing Kookaburra, Rainbow Bee-eater(h), Red-backed Fairy-wren, Spotted Pardalote, Striated Pardalote, White-throated Gerygone(h), Brown Thornbill (h), Yellow Thornbill, Little Wattlebird(h), Lewin’s Honeyeater, Brown Honeyeater, Myzomela Honeyeater, Rose Robin, Eastern Yellow Robin, Eastern Whipbird(h), Golden Whistler, Grey Shrike-thrush(h), Grey Fantail, White-winged Triller, Figbird, Pied Butcherbird, Pied Currawong, Torresian Crow, Double-barred Finch, Red-browed Finch, Silvereye.