12th Jan 2020 – Bribie Island – Bird Watching – report
What a great day to start our year’s bird watching program. Following storms, the preceding night 13 members arrived at Bribie under threatening skies. A very stiff south-east wind was blowing creating a big chop in Pumicestone Passage. We all met up at Buckleys Waterhole and looking from the bird hide across the grass and reed surrounded waterhole was a pleasant view. The water being shallow allowed many birds to wade sourcing food while other birds rested around the water’s edge. We then drove to Bibimulya Lagoon and walked around its circuit pathway. This lagoon was very pretty with most of the water covered in white flowering water lilies. Numerous birds rested on an island in the center of the lagoon. A magpie goose had blood on its left wing, probably attacked by something during the night. A concrete and earth pathway skirted around the lagoon. Homes are built around the lagoon with many beautiful flowering gardens extended out onto the public verge. This walk kept everyone absorbed finding different birds. From most positions and a dull day allowed some picturesque photos to be taken across the water and flowering lilies to the green trees of the island. An added bonus were the numerous birds in every photo.
We then drove around to Kakadu Beach where we enjoyed morning tea overlooking Pumicestone Passage. We could not have picked a better king tide at the northern bird hide overlooking Kakadu Lagoon and the exclusive bird only beach. The tide had driven birds from their normal roosts to this sand ridge. We mixed with the Queensland Wader Study Group who were more than helpful with many bird topics and bird identifications. Following this informative session several people had to head back home while others stayed for a late lunch. With one short light rain shower this was a very enjoyable cool day.