Grading: Easy | Contact: Lesley Joyce
0423 109 788
3818 7646
| Costs: $5.00 per person
Our walk is along what was the old Brisbane Valley Railway line just west of Ipswich. It is located between the Brisbane Valley Recreational Trail and Walter Zimmerman Park at Pine Mountain. The walk will begin from the junction of Desbrow Street & the Pine Mountain Quarry Road, (UBD 191 Q18).DIRECTIONS: – From Brisbane follow Ipswich Rd and take the Warrego Highway Exit towards Toowoomba. Turn off onto the Brisbane Valley Highway at Blacksoil on left to Esk, (UBD 191 Q18). Cross the Highway & at first traffic lights turn right into Bailey Road, turn right at roundabout, then first left into Velvet Street, follow road to Tee intersection (UBD 191 Q11), turn right into Desbrow Street which becomes Pine Mountain Quarry Road, follow 900 M from Tee intersection to rail trail (UBD 191 Q8) 27 33 09.8 152 42 09.8. Safe parking on roadside only not on rail trail area. This area is easy walking and regrowth bush and clearings, a variety of bush birds can be seen depending on the season. We may be lucky to see Speckled Warblers.Morning Tea: – After our walk, we will continue along Pine Mountain Quarry Road to drive around to Kholo Botanical Gardens. Turn left into Sherlocks Rd (UBD 192 D 11) then right into Riverside Drive (UBD 192 L 8) to arrive at the gardens on the left (UBD 192 N13). Facilities are toilets and picnic tables.
Where to meet
As per Detailed Description
As per Detailed Description
What to bring
Binoculars, sturdy shoes, hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, chair and morning tea, lunch optional.