
Date: 17 May 2017
Capacity: 0 (0 remaining)
Time: 09:30 PM
Type: Miscellaneous

BUSHCARE author Des Hoban-May Quarterly Members meeting.

Bushcare author Dr Des Hoban will speak about his book, following updates on Association matters and protected area news. Supper and refreshment provided, copies of the book will also be available for sale.

Dr Hoban has qualifications in economics, regional planning and government. Professional experience has given him a sharp eye for what works and what doesn’t in public policy.

His C V reveals a preference for working in the field – where the messy work of translating policies and programs into practice gets done. He first worked as an ‘outside man’ or field officer in PNG. He is retired now and lives in Brisbane where he convenes a Bush Care Group. Between then and now he worked as a ‘free lance public servant’ on planning projects in neighbouring countries and in Australia. Assignments included preparing infrastructure programs for provincial towns in Indonesia, Vietnam and Samoa; local government reform in the Philippines and PNG; a teaching post at RMIT and preparing regional plans for Melbourne and South East Queensland.

In recent years Des has taken time out to learn about managing for sustainability and biodiversity in the bush. Bushcare is a record of what he discovered in a series of field trips through the great pastoral regions of eastern Australia.