
Date: 20 May 2018
Capacity: 0 (0 remaining)
Time: 04:30 PM
Type: Birdwatching

Birdwatching – 2018 – Wolston Creek Bushland Reserve 25th May

Leader: Geraldine Buchanan 12 members met at the end of Sumners Road, River Hills on a beautiful, clear, fine, cool, sunny morning. A car shuttle was arranged to Tomkins Rd the commencement of the walk, following the north bank of Wolston Creek to its junction with the Brisbane River. Each time we have visited this area we have not been disappointed with a total of 42 species seen plus 5 heard. We also met one of the dedicated Bushcare Group working at the Brisbane River end of the walk. Kangaroo numbers have not decreased since our last visit in 2017. Bird List: Australian Wood Duck(3), Pacific Black Duck(11), Australian Pelican(1), Great Egret(1), Australian White Ibis(1), Whistling Kite(2), Masked Lapwing(2), Rock Dove(1), Spotted Turtle- Dove(2), Crested Pigeon(8), Bar-shouldered Dove(h), Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo(1), Galah(3), Little Corella(4), Sulphur-crested Cockatoo(1), Rainbow Lorikeet(10), Scaly-breasted Lorikeet(6), Fan-tailed Cuckoo(3), Pheasant Coucal(2), Laughing Kookaburra(2), Superb Fairy-wren(3), Red-backed Fairy-wren(1), Striated Pardalote(h), Blue-faced Honeyeater(6), Noisy Miner(10), Lewin’s Honeyeater(2), Yellow-faced Honeyeater(6), Brown Honeyeater(4), Scarlet Myzomela (Honeyeater)(3), Eastern Whipbird(h), Golden Whistler(4), Rufous Whistler(2), Grey Shrike-thrush(3), Magpie -lark(4), Rufous Fantail(1), Grey Fantail(6), Willie Wagtail(5), Spangled Drongo(1), Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike(1), Olive-backed Oriole(h), Figbird(h), Grey Butcherbird(1), Pied Butcherbird(4 plus 1 imm), Australian Magpie(6), Torresian Crow(12), Welcome Swallow(6), Silvereye(10).