
Date: 08 Dec 2018
Capacity: 0 (0 remaining)
Time: 12:00 AM
Type: Daywalk

Mt Hobwee Circuit

Under cloudy skies, an intrepid group of four left the sanctuary of Binna Burra to scale the wilds of Mount Hobwee. And wilds they were as the group encountered and scrambled over, around or under fallen vegetation indicating no clearing or repairs had been done to the track since Cyclone Debbie a couple of years ago. Springbrook and adjoining views were clouded in as the group rested at Joalah’s Lookout for morning tea. However, the views disappeared completely as the party ascended Mount Hobwee to enjoy lunch. Leeches were in abundance in the damp conditions, feasting on the walkers as they ateRemnant timber from the old survey tower was found lying down the slope from the new survey marker which now indicates the top of the mountain. The trek back was easier as it was mainly downhill, rejoining the Border Track at the escarpment. This section of the circuit was devoid of fallen timber although the track is quickly becoming overgrown through lack of maintenance. Hopefully this will be addressed before the track becomes unusable. The walkers enjoyed refreshments at the Binna Burra Teahouse, a just reward for their effort.