Members meeting: new challenges and objectives. – National Parks Association of Queensland

Members meeting: new challenges and objectives.

On Wednesday the 21st a members meeting was held.  Five Councillors, one staff member and over fifteen members were present.  For NPAQ it was particularly poignant with both Ann Neale and Tony Groom joining us.  Graeme described activities to date, challenges and objectives that have been set to enhance our profile balance our budget and pursue park conservation gains (see below).  Neil (Treasurer) described our financial situation to December 2017 and set our sights on being in balance come 2019-2020.

Tony Groom gave a great presentation on national parks of the world on occasion accompanied with stirring music.  His presentation was a reminder of the foresight of those who have worked towards the establishment of national parks since the late 1700s.  He also reminded us how we benefit from quiet observation in parks.

In between, the conversation over refreshments prepared by Marika was enthusiastic and fun.  Thankyou to everybody who attended and contributed!

The next NPAQ Member’s Meeting will be:

Date: Wednesday 16 May 2018
Time: 7:15pm for 7:30pm start
Venue: NPAQ Office, 10/36 Finchley Street, Milton

Historical enthusiast Neville McManimm will present a talk on NPAQ’s founder, Romeo Lahey. He will base the presentation on Lahey’s 1915 talk entitled “Some Reasons Why National Parks Should be Established in Qld”. Neville will be able to show copies of Romeo’s original slides and present some of his original words, along with modern images and interpretation.

NPAQ Objectives for 2018

Conservation Goals
•    Successfully influence state Eco- tourism debate
•    Influence finalization of the state’s Protected Area Strategy
•    Gain support for transition of a nominated State Forest to National Park
•    Support at a Federal level a Comprehensive, Adequate, Representative Reserve System (CARS) and have national parks made a matter considered under the EPBC Act

Balance Budget
•    Utilize at least three money making ideas from other not for profits
•    Obtain support of three sponsors
•    Investigate and proceed if viable; obtaining philanthropist support, offering insurance to members, running sausage sizzles at appropriate locations,
•    Reduce spending in FY18 by 5% compared to 2017

Enhance Profile
•    Increase membership by 500.
•    Double reach
•    Ensure high quality handout material available.
•    Present at two relevant conferences
•    Investigate:
o    1) engaging with schools regarding local national parks, and
o    2) Nature Play passports and implement if viable
•    Recruit one new activity leader

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