Ecotourism – National Parks Association of Queensland

Category Archives: Ecotourism

Ecotourism in National Parks: Working Side by Side for People and Parks

The recently released Queensland Government’s Towards Tourism 2032 plan aims to double the state’s tourism overnight expenditure to more than $44 billion annually by the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games. “So where are all these extra tourists going to go” asks NPAQ CEO Chris Thomas. The answer, of course, lies in careful consideration of new […]

Ecotourism for Kids: Enhancing Children’s Relationship with Nature

Environmental education is a fundamental aspect of ecotourism. It characterises ecotourism and differentiates it from other forms of nature-based tourism. Ecotourism education can increase visitors’ knowledge of and conservation attitudes towards the protected area, as well as promote pro-environmental attitudes and behaviour in general. Genuine, well-designed ecotourism can be a tool for supporting biodiversity conservation […]

Queensland’s new Protected Area Strategy

After much lobbying by the National Parks Association of Queensland and others, the Queensland Protected Area Strategy was finally released by the Government a few days before caretaker mode came into effect prior to the recent State election. The release of the Strategy has been one of the major requests of NPAQ as it will […]

Queensland’s National Parks: An Economically Important Tourism Resource

National parks are important environmental resources, giving protection to the flora, fauna and ecosystems that underpin a healthy environment for us all to live in and pass on to future generations. National parks not only play a vital role in the environment but also contribute social, cultural and economic value to our society. The University […]

St Helena Island National Park

History First Nations people visited St Helena Island thousands of years prior to European habitation. They were attracted to the Island each year during the warmer months, when large colonies of fruit bats congregated. During the winter they hunted dugong in the surrounding waters. Huge middens of bone and shell, one being the oldest man-made […]

Shutdown: A Break for Nature

Queenslanders have long enjoyed exploring our many and varied national parks and state forests. Australians from other states typically migrate to Queensland during the winter months and popularity has surged in the last decade. However, many have had their trips cut short or cancelled from March in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The impact of […]

Let’s Talk Ecotourism – Part II

In October last year, NPAQ organised a seminar in Brisbane to discuss an important issue: the pros and cons of ecotourism in national parks. In the last edition we caught up with two of the speakers and now we present the views of the other two speakers to get their perspectives in more detail. David […]

From the President – Protected Magazine Summer 2019-2020

Welcome to a new edition of Protected and a new decade! I hope you all enjoyed family and Christmas celebrations whilst no doubt being concerned/alarmed by the ongoing drought, associated fires with loss of life, property and wildlife. This edition contains articles on our recently held Ecotourism Seminar and the ensuing debate, on wildlife after […]

A Daytrip with QPWS Rangers

what do rangers do

Growing up in Kenya, my understanding of a national park has been a sunrise or sunset game drive to watch the big five animals in their natural setting. On this daytrip my goal was to understand how people in Queensland use their National Parks. Early Monday morning Marika, Laura and I set off with Andrew […]

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