Are you a critical part of our future? – National Parks Association of Queensland

Are you a critical part of our future?

Volunteer at NPAQ

Get involved with NPAQ and share your skills and experience by becoming an NPAQ volunteer. We have worked for the cause of National Parks and protected areas for 88 years but we need your help to ensure we can continue this work for the future. Volunteers sharing their passion and skills are a valued and essential resource for the association. Volunteers are sought for the following committees.

ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE –  Provides a program of activities to help connect our members with nature and with like-minded people.

MCMEE – Membership, Communication, Marketing, Education and Engagement.

ADVOCACY – Conduct and provide research, science and best practice results, to guide our advocacy and campaign work.

GOVERNANCE – Ensure that we are operating efficiently and responsibly in line with our charitable status and association rules.

 In particular, we need your skills in the following fields.

  • Activity Leaders: If you an experienced bushwalker, traveller, canoer, botanist, geologist or nature photographer who is keen to share your passion with our members? We would love to hear from you!
  • Journalism, Communications and Social Media: Help generate and post relevant and engaging content for all our social media platforms and publications.
  • Event Management / Team Member: Help set up, staff and pack away at fairs, markets and events throughout the year. Co-ordinate speakers for member meetings, educational lectures etc. Help set up and clean up for members meetings, fundraisers, etc.
  • Database Management: Provide your expertise in database management to help ensure our CRM and member data is accurate, maintained, and utilised effectively and securely.
  • Membership and Engagement: Help generate new members and provide membership support and engagement.
  • Fundraising & Donations: Help source and generate funding, sponsors. Help organise fundraising activities and events. Help source available grants and assist with application processes.
  • Graphic Design: Design and produce marketing, promotions, event communication and educational material (print and digital). Students wishing to volunteer and gain some exposure for their work are highly encouraged to apply.

All volunteers and supporters are always welcome at NPAQ events and activities!

For more information on volunteer opportunities to match your skills Download the volunteer expression of interest form and return it to our office via email and one of our staff or councillors will be in touch.

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