NPAQ Activities Review for 2020-2021 – National Parks Association of Queensland

NPAQ Activities Review for 2020-2021

Author: Frank Freeman

Photography: Samantha Smith

2020-21 continued to be a challenging year for activities with short, sharp lockdowns to minimize the spread of Covid-19 causing cancellation of some activities.

The extended Bird Outing to Nanango was the largest activity to fall victim to Covid but was rescheduled for September, 2021.Notwithstanding the uncertainties and difficulties, activities went ahead where possible. In total, 38 activities were conducted in total, attended by 311 members and 38 non-members.

Day Activities

Apart from the Easter camp, all activities that went ahead were day activities including 13 day walks, most of which were in national parks, 2 social activities and 1 biking activity.

Bird Outings

10 out of the proposed 12 planned events went ahead with one day outing and the extended outing casualties of Covid. Bird Group activities are consistently popular with over 20 people in attendance on some occasions. The details of all sightings were submitted regularly to eBird Australia in keeping with the citizens-science objectives of the group.

All 10 of the proposed 10 working bees were conducted clearing exotic weeds from the Boombana area of D’Aguilar National Park and replanting with native plants of the area.

New Year Twilight Walk

26 people attended this event, making it the most popular, single activity for the year. Members see it as an opportunity to chat and catch-up in a relaxed atmosphere.


Sincere thanks to the volunteer leaders who organize and lead these activities. They give generously of their time and knowledge to raise people’s awareness of national parks and their importance in maintaining a balance between the natural environment and the built environment. Thank you, one and all.

*The above was an excerpt from the NPAQ 2020-21 Annual Report. The full document is available on the NPAQ website.

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