Save Redwood Park – National Parks Association of Queensland

Save Redwood Park

Author: Save Redwood Committee

Photography: Sandy Brown (supplied)

As part of our campaign to get the Qld public onside to Save Redwood, we need to quickly alert Council as to Redwood Park’s beauty and high biodiversity and the threat that competitive fast Olympic Mountain Bike tracks and their spectators are to it. We have made a video that supports the campaign which can be accessed here:

We also have an e-petition that will run for two months before being presented to the Minister for the Environment and Science and we need you to sign it.

TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House that Redwood Park is a six minutes’ drive from the heart of Toowoomba. Its 243ha forest comprises spectacular eucalypt woodlands and rare dry rain forest providing ideal breeding habitats for over 158 native bird species.

Disturbingly, Redwood Park is being promoted by the Photo Banner & inline : Redwood Park (Sandy Brown) Toowoomba and Lockyer Valley Regional  councils as the preferred site for a 30 kilometre expansion of the escarpment’s network of downhill mountain bike tracks.

This commercially driven proposal is a major concern to the Queensland conservationists as Redwood is a world-class fauna and flora site. It is home to 18 species of bird, mammal, reptile and amphibian. At just 243ha it’s 0.2% of the size of the Daintree National Park yet home to 50% of the total number of bird species found in the Daintree.

Redwood Park is habitat to the endangered Koala and five other threatened species: Powerful Owl, Black Breasted Button Quail, Greater Glider, Glossy Black Cockatoo and Grey Faced Flying Fox.

If the landscape changing sport of Mountain Biking takes hold of Redwood it will destroy the integrity of the park, spelling the end of a refuge for fauna and flora. Moreover, its proud 100-year history as a safe, high value park for many bird watchers, bushwalkers & volunteer bush-carers will also end.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to intervene and stop this destructive proposal by declaring Redwood Park a National Park based on its  undisputed proven high biodiversity values and high public amenity.

Let’s stop the mountain bikes in
Redwood Park and declare it a
National Park for evermore.

Cheers and Thanks
Sandy on behalf of the Save Redwood C’mitte

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