12 Simple Ways to Support Biodiversity this September – National Parks Association of Queensland

12 Simple Ways to Support Biodiversity this September

September is Biodiversity Month

At NPAQ, we celebrate biodiversity every day of the year, but September is Biodiversity Month, and Saturday 7 September is Threatened Species Day, bringing a special focus on keeping our environments flourishing for the benefit of our species and others. Our planet teems with life – whether marine creatures, plants, animals, fungi or microorganisms – all interacting within complex ecosystems and contributing their genes to our planet’s biodiversity.

Among all the nations on Earth, 17 have been declared ‘megadiverse’ – combined, these make up less than 10% of the world’s area, but they protect more than 70% of its biodiversity. As a megadiverse nation, Australia has an oversized role to play in conserving biodiversity. Our continent’s long isolation preserved remnant Gondwanan forests and rare endemics found nowhere else. Of Australia’s classified plant native species, 85% are endemic.

More than half of the world’s marsupial species are also native to Australia. The Federal Government’s 2021 State of the Environment Report estimated that Australia’s land and sea territory supports 600,000–700,000 native species – and those are just the ones we know about! An estimated 400,000 plant, animal, fungi and microorganism species are thought to remain undiscovered, undocumented, or unnamed.

As the state with both the highest number of protected areas (despite having the lowest percentage of the state protected, at just 8.5%) and the most endemic species, Queensland can make a real difference to preserving Australia’s biodiversity. Unfortunately, our state’s track record is patchy, with more than 1034 species already threatened. Queensland’s protected areas serve as sanctuaries for these species and repositories of biodiversity as a whole. That’s why NPAQ is so committed to the dedication of more national parks and other protected areas where plants, animals and humans can thrive. Biodiversity Month is a chance to recognise the significance our protected areas have not only for maintaining ecological stability, saving threatened species, supporting human well-being, and safeguarding cultural heritage, but also for preserving our planet’s biodiversity.

12 Simple Ways to Support Biodiversity this September

1. Have your say on the performative framework for Queensland’s Biodiversity Strategy by making a submission before 11 September 2024.

2. Donate to or join NPAQ and get directly involved with efforts to set aside more land as protected areas. This week is also Include a Charity week, so consider leaving a legacy for wild places by making your FREE will with Gathered Here and leaving a gift in your will for NPAQ.

3. Join the annual #Threatened Species Bake Off (entries close Saturday 7 September) and help raise the profile of your favourite threatened species.

4. Get grubby this spring and replant your garden with native flora species that support birds and native pollinators.

5. Put up possum boxes, bee hotels, and water features in your outdoor spaces to provide shelter for native species.

6. Purchase wisely, buying sustainable products with minimal environmental impacts.

7. Compost to reduce landfill waste, create a nutrient-rich fertiliser for your garden, and generate a mini ecosystem for bacteria, bugs and decomposers.

8. Join the Great Southern BioBlitz (from 20–23 September) and upload photos of species you’ve spotted to iNaturalist or Atlas of Living Australia to aid conservation research.

9. Vote for your favourite Australian marsupial in The Project’s Marsupial of the Year poll.

10. Connect others with nature by uploading your photos, videos and stories of time spent out in protected areas or sending them to our editor to be used in Protected magazine.

11. Express your concerns about biodiversity loss to your local council and MP to advocate for policy changes that help preserve biodiversity for the future.

12. Share your support online, using the hashtags #LoveOurBiodiversity and #BiodiversityMonth

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