Page 25 – National Parks Association of Queensland

The benefits of citizen science

Citizen science initiatives provide an opportunity for nature lovers to get involved directly with conservation and through doing so gain a greater understanding and respect for it. NPAQ industry placement student Lucy Hollingsworth, from the University of Queensland, looks at some of the benefits – for scientists and the individuals volunteering to support their research.

State of the Park 2017: developments of note for Queensland’s protected area estate

State of the Park 2017, authored by NPAQ member Wade Lewis, highlights positive developments over the past year including advances made by the State Government in its approach to national park acquisition, planning and management.

Five minutes to view and traffic jams: is this what the future holds?

After being confronted by hordes of tourists jostling for position and blaring music at Uluru, NPAQ President Michelle Prior ponders whether the futureof Australia’s national parks may be heading the same way as America where there has been a loss of the spirit of wilderness preservation.

Why National Parks Should be Valued – As Told Through the Lens of Children

Town planners and psychologists had been exploring the potential benefits of making natural spaces freely available to children to play and explore for decades. The release of the book Last Child in the Woods (Louv, 2005) articulated the disadvantages of children losing access to ‘wild areas’ once part of the fabric of towns and cities. ‘Nature deficit […]

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