indigenous conservation – National Parks Association of Queensland

Tag Archives: indigenous conservation

State forest cultural heritage sites

There are many significant cultural heritage sites in Queensland state forests. Here we look at our investigation into significant cultural heritage sites, primarily those of Aboriginal significance, in several Queensland state forests.

Cape York spaceport land returned to Traditional Owners under landmark agreement

Land once slated for the world’s first commercially-operated international spaceport has this year been given back to Traditional Owners. Two months after the handback ceremony in Cairns in May, Andrew Picone from the Australian Conservation Foundation looks at the importance of the landmark decision and the benefits of Aboriginal ownership and joint management of national parks.

NAIDOC Week celebrations include 10-year anniversary of Indigenous Land and Sea Rangers program

Ten years equals almost 5000 turtle nests protected, 110,000 feral animals removed, 27 tonnes of fishing nets cleaned up on Queensland’s ocean foreshore and much more! The Indigenous Land and Sea Rangers can be mightily proud of their achievements as this fantastic program completes its first decade.

Tourism-centric national parks allocation as a Budget for jobs forgets about conservation

The State Budget has allocated an extra $40 million over two years for national parks, however only $5 million of that will potentially go towards operational funding and conservation planning. The rest is essentially a tourism spend disguised as environmental dollars. Learn why the Queensland Government’s boast of a record environmental spend isn’t all it’s made out to be.

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