Ana offers us an view from an international visitor drawn to Australia to connect with our natural spaces. What sort of face do we present to the world in our national parks and World Heritage sites?
Tag Archives: eco-tourism
The Coordinator-General’s evaluation report on the environmental impact statement for the Lindeman Island resort redevelopment has been released. What does it mean?
The Gainsdale Scenic Rim Trail proposed development has the potential to effectively privatise a significant section of Main Range National Park.
The Chair of Tourism and Events Queensland, Brett Godfrey has a message: open up national parks for more ecotourism. This call is both exciting and terrifying, good and bad, hopeful and discouraging.
Important conservation values are being ignored as Queensland’s major parties engage in a war of words over tourism.
Before we follow other states starry eyed about potential short-term gains, let us examine the costs and benefits of existing ecotourism developments. With this knowledge, there is an opportunity to demonstrate real leadership rather than copy others.
The State Budget has allocated an extra $40 million over two years for national parks, however only $5 million of that will potentially go towards operational funding and conservation planning. The rest is essentially a tourism spend disguised as environmental dollars. Learn why the Queensland Government’s boast of a record environmental spend isn’t all it’s made out to be.