State Forests – Page 3 – National Parks Association of Queensland

Category Archives: State Forests

From the President – Protected Magazine Summer 2019-2020

Welcome to a new edition of Protected and a new decade! I hope you all enjoyed family and Christmas celebrations whilst no doubt being concerned/alarmed by the ongoing drought, associated fires with loss of life, property and wildlife. This edition contains articles on our recently held Ecotourism Seminar and the ensuing debate, on wildlife after […]

A Daytrip with QPWS Rangers

what do rangers do

Growing up in Kenya, my understanding of a national park has been a sunrise or sunset game drive to watch the big five animals in their natural setting. On this daytrip my goal was to understand how people in Queensland use their National Parks. Early Monday morning Marika, Laura and I set off with Andrew […]

Private ecotourism infrastructure in Queensland national parks: win-win or thin edge of the wedge!

How are national park systems in other states faring? What challenges do they face?

The National Parks Association of Queensland caught up with the NPAs across Australia for their perspectives on the biggest issues facing their state’s national parks.

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