biodiversity – National Parks Association of Queensland

Tag Archives: biodiversity

Romeo Lahey Memorial Lecture 2024: Climate Change: How should National Parks prepare for the changes and challenges this will bring?’

Some 45 members and guests attended the Kedron Room at Brisbane City Hall on Saturday 20 April for the 2024 Romeo Lahey Memorial Lecture, given this year by Queensland Chief Scientist Professor Kerrie Wilson. Honouring the principal founder and long-standing former President of the National Parks Association of Queensland (NPAQ), the annual lecture explores the […]

Protecting Beautiful Western Queensland – a Huge Win for Wildlife and Wanderers

The State government’s landmark acquisition of 352,589-ha Vergemont Station is an unprecedented win for western Queensland’s threatened species and a call to action for nature lovers and adventurers Imagine you could explore a natural wonderland bigger than the USA’s Yosemite National Park within a day’s drive of Brisbane. A place of incredible arid landscapes and […]

Public hearing on Special Wildlife Reserves clarifies flora is included

Discussion on a Bill to establish Special Wildlife Reserves (a new class of privately-owned protected area) at an Agriculture & Environment Committee hearing has cleared up some confusion around the name and produced many interesting perspectives, including AgForce’s fears over “locking up land”.

Potential for watered-down Coral Sea protection threatens the cradle to the Great Barrier Reef

Adele Pedder of the Australian Marine Conservation Society delves into the importance of marine protected areas and the risk associated with exposing the proposed Coral Sea Commonwealth Marine Reserve to intensive fishing practices.

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